Monday 17 June 2013

My Ideal Day

The topic this week for Listmania at Home Life Simplified is a good 'un:  Ideal Day.  So I started to imagine what mine looked like...

My husband, Astronaut Mike Dexter wakes me up with a kiss after a refreshing eight hours of undisturbed sleep.  Somehow, I've become a 'morning person', and I can't wait to start the day.  Mike is off to save the world again, and he promises to name a new constellation after me in his spare time.

Mike looks remarkably like Japanese movie star, Hiroyuki Sanada. 

After a hot shower and delicious breakfast of fresh juice and croissants (I can eat these because I woke up at my ideal weight) it's time to find something to wear.

Decisions, decisions.

Then it's off to work.  I'm really looking forward to getting to my new office.  It's such an inspiring place to be.

I love my girly office.

My goodness!  I'm swamped with new orders for my wedding stationery.  It's going to be a busy day but I know I can get everything done because I no longer get distracted during the day by Facebook or the stupid Sparkle City game I downloaded on my phone.  That's all in the past.  I'm focused, driven, successful.

Not only do I make amazing progress with my orders, I have time to work up some new, totally amazing designs.  My e-store is growing, the server never crashes and it's time to start thinking about hiring staff and expanding.

After a fulfilling day at work I return home and throw together something for dinner.  I've discovered that I'm something of a genius in the kitchen.

Jamie Oliver is jealous.

I also eat Mike's dessert since he's away saving the
world and I won't gain any weight on my ideal day.

After dinner and a video chat with Mike (the world has been saved again thanks to him) I write a few more chapters of my novel.  It's going really well and I have a feeling it's going to be a bestseller.

Time to curl up with a good book and a warm cocoa before another eight hours rest.

What a wonderful, completely fictitious, ideal day I've had.



  1. love that your ideal day is such a fab fantasy of truly epic ideal proportions - awesome!!

    1. Thanks Deb! Now I'm off to figure out how to make it a reality.

  2. You had me at astronaut Mike Dexter (add to my ideal day that they decide to start making 30 Rock)...

    1. Good old Liz Lemon! I'm gonna miss 30 Rock but I'll always have Astronaut Mike Dexter to remind me of better times.

  3. I love it! However I was taken aback by the lack of pie in your perfect day. I like pie.

    1. Hey, you want to blog about your ideal day then you can write about pie.

      And yes, I know you like pie.

      I like icecream.

  4. This was a great post! Made me smile the whole way through! I need to get some of that 8 hours sleep!

    1. Thanks Bec, it made me smile writing it, too. Good luck getting that 8 hours...I think it only exists in the world of make-believe though.

  5. This post had me chuckling...oh all the little things in our lives that can make or break our guilt free good food and crashing servers. Loved reading this post!

  6. Loved the girly office, would love one of those! You are such a hoot,love your posts :)
    Stay tuned for mine...
