Tuesday 14 May 2013

John, I'm only blogging.

"Hard work beats talent when talent refuses to work hard."

This is the mantra of NBA player Kevin Durant, given to him by his mentor Taras Brown.  I didn't know the origin of this quote until today when I Googled it.  Until today it had just been something I wrote down on a little piece of paper months ago and blu-tacked to the wall above my computer.  Something I probably saw in a Facebook post.  I love this quote and I really want to live these words.

This week on Home Life Simplified the topic for Listmania is favourite quotes.  It's week 17 for Listmania but this is my very first list.  I've never considered myself as a great follower of inspirational quotes but if I think about it, I realise there are a few that stand out for me these days aside from the hard work quote.

Yes, it's from a t.v. show, but I have loved this quote since the first time I heard it many, many years ago.  I'm at the bottom of a ladder I want to climb and I love it...heck I want to build the damn thing myself.  Sometimes it's scary, and that's okay.  Climbing ladders should be scary.  Getting to the top should feel amazing!

I spend a lot of time 'researching' which is really just looking at what other designers have been doing.  I'm a jealous creature and I often find myself looking at somebody else's work thinking, "Dammit, why didn't I think of that first?"  So, naturally I find the above quote amusing.  There is also something greatly comforting to know that other designers, in this case an incredibly talented designer, think the same evil thoughts I do.

First off, don't judge my crappy attempt at a Saul Bass-like layout.  He made it look so effortless.  The mark of a genius!  On May 8, what would have been Saul's 93rd birthday, Google paid tribute with a Saul Bass inspired take on their logo.  If you didn't see it, I highly recommend you check it out.

Wise words to end on.  If you ask me where this quote is from and who Bill S. Preston, Esq. is we're no longer friends.



  1. Love it especially the office quote (and I am 41 so know the last one well) welcome to listmania xx

    1. Thanks Deb, I've been meaning to join in the Listmania fun for a long time, it was great to finally be part of it!

  2. Great quotes. I'm not sure if I should admit but I've never heard of Saul Bass!

    1. Thanks for the feedback, Bec. You can admit anything here! My sister told me Saul Bass sounds like something you would eat!

  3. Brilliant Deb, welcome! Did you do all the layouts of these yourself? They look fantastic, you're a very talented girl x

  4. Thanks Shell, yes I did do the layouts myself but the one for the Saul Bass quote is taken from an existing design. Let's say 'borrowed' for legal reasons.

  5. Your Saul Bass was as though he had done it himself dude, absolutely...Why do I feel like I'm finding out about all these blog posts you've done now all at once? Oh, that's right, because i am. Sorry for not keeping up with this, I feel as though I've been wrapped up in flowering and have been turned off to the outside world. Flowers are very distracting, but I promise I won't let them make me into a bad friend anymore. I've been reading through your collection and I love the eloquence and the truth. Keep up the fabulousness and keep being you xx

    1. Aww...brownie points FOR YOU. I get back online and see all these new messages. Comment much?

      I know you're busy. You're a wonderful, successful, talented woman and I'm very proud of you.
