The topic this week for Listmania at Home Life Simplified is a good 'un: Ideal Day. So I started to imagine what mine looked like...
My husband, Astronaut Mike Dexter wakes me up with a kiss after a refreshing eight hours of undisturbed sleep. Somehow, I've become a 'morning person', and I can't wait to start the day. Mike is off to save the world again, and he promises to name a new constellation after me in his spare time.
Mike looks remarkably like Japanese movie star, Hiroyuki Sanada. |
After a hot shower and delicious breakfast of fresh juice and croissants (I can eat these because I woke up at my ideal weight) it's time to find something to wear.
Decisions, decisions. |
Then it's off to work. I'm really looking forward to getting to my new office. It's such an inspiring place to be.
I love my girly office. |
My goodness! I'm swamped with new orders for my wedding stationery. It's going to be a busy day but I know I can get everything done because I no longer get distracted during the day by Facebook or the stupid Sparkle City game I downloaded on my phone. That's all in the past. I'm focused, driven, successful.
Not only do I make amazing progress with my orders, I have time to work up some new, totally amazing designs. My e-store is growing, the server never crashes and it's time to start thinking about hiring staff and expanding.
After a fulfilling day at work I return home and throw together something for dinner. I've discovered that I'm something of a genius in the kitchen.
Jamie Oliver is jealous. |
I also eat Mike's dessert since he's away saving the world and I won't gain any weight on my ideal day.
After dinner and a video chat with Mike (the world has been saved again thanks to him) I write a few more chapters of my novel. It's going really well and I have a feeling it's going to be a bestseller.
Time to curl up with a good book and a warm cocoa before another eight hours rest.
What a wonderful, completely fictitious, ideal day I've had.